
Procedures for Presenters 

Please upload your PowerPoint presentation file (mandatory) in PDF file format through your account. Powerpoint submission and instruction details can be accessed from here.

Please upload your video presentation link (mandatory for online presenter) through your account. Video submission and instruction details can be accessed from here.  

The presentation file/s should be submitted/uploaded to the system no later than May 31, 2023.

E-certificate for presenters will be awarded to presenters who have participated in all session and uploaded their presentation file as PowerPoint and video (mandatory) through system.

All uploaded file presentations will be available and accessible freely here (in this menu), starting from May 31, 2023.

The whole submission process is done fully online (NOT by email) to guarantee smooth administration.

Organized by

Supported by


Contact Person
Reri Yanto (+62 882-2068-2712) UPI

Sarah Fadilah Zein (+62 858-7169-6636) UPI

Ni Nyoman Asri Sidaryanti, M.Pd (+62 087863072749) UNDIKSHA, Bali




Civic Education Study 

Faculty of Social Science Education

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia