



Dear Colleagues,

With great reluctance, it has been decided that ACEC2020 will not be able to go ahead as planned in October 2020. This is because of continuing uncertainties arising from global effects of the Covid19 pandemic. The conference is therefore cancelled. 

This decision has been taken with sadness on all sides as we know so many people were looking forward to attending, presenting and hosting open lessons at the conference. We took the decision in line with other international conferences scheduled for October/November December, so people do not book flights or make arrangements that then have to be cancelled.

I want to thank Professor Sjamsi Pasandaran, Dr. Apeles Lexi Lonto and team at Manado State University and all the members of organising committees for their visionary work, investment and effort in preparing this conference over the past six months. 

The third ACEC 2020 will be filled with Call for Book Chapters, while the conference in Manado will be held in 2021 as the fourth ACEC and the host is Manado State University.

Finally though, and very importantly, I would like to extend my thoughts and wishes to you and to your families, friends and colleagues during this current difficult and for many also sad pandemic. 

Please everyone, stay as safe as you can!


Yours sincerely,

Professor Dasim Budimansyah

The third ACEC Chairperson



Call for Book Chapters

Registration and Submission of Abstract

End of July 2020


Payment due Date

End of July 2020


Chapters Submission

End of August 2020


Read More Information About Book of Chapters 


Read More About ACEC 2021 

Important Dates

CONFERENCE PAYMENTSeptember 25, 2021
CONFERENCE DAYOctober 9, 2021

Theme / Scope

  • Online Learning in Civic Education
  • Blended Learning
  • Flipped Classroom
  • Distant Learning
  • Web-based learning
  • Social Media
  • Strengthening National Identity
  • Strengthening Civil Society
  • Promoting Local Wisdoms
  • Enhancing Local Knowledge
  • Promoting Values of Local History
  • Handling Controversial Issues
  • Promoting Social Justice
  • Promoting Civility in Everyday Life
  • Institutionalizing Tolerance and Multicultural Values in a Digital Society
  • Enhancing Democratic Policy Process and System Performance
  • Strengthening Rights and Democratic Culture in a National Context
  • Strengthening Multilateral Relations and Institutions for World Peace
  • Strengthening Decentralization and Local Democracy
  • Promoting Harmony in a Pluralist Society
  • Balancing between Rights and Responsibilities
  • Strengthening Border Areas for Security and Encouraging Conflict Resolution


Keynote Speaker(s)

Professor Kerry J. Kennedy, Ph.D.

Centre for Governance and Citizenship (CGC) The Education University of Hong Kong

Professor Dr. Udin S. Winataputra, MA

General Chairman of Indonesian Association of Pancasila and Civic Education Profession (IAPCEP)

Professor Dr. Sjamsi Pasandaran, M.Pd.

Professor Department of Pancasila and Civic Education Manado State University


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Civic Education Department

Faculty of Social Science Education

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia