Submission of Abstract and Full Paper
[IMPORTANT] To submit an abstract, authors must create an account first. Then they can submit their abstracts by logging in to their account. The manuscript (full paper) can be submitted only after authors submit their abstract. The whole submission process is done fully online (NOT by email) to guarantee smooth administration. Letter of Acceptance (LoA) and Letter of Invitation (LoI) can be downloaded directly from your account once your abstract is accepted to be presented at the conference.


Abstract Submission Guideline

Abstract should consist at least 250 word including :

1. Introduction.

2. The Objective of research

3. Methodological

4. Result or findings

5. 3-5 keywords should be placed by alphabetically below the abstract. 

6. Self-description of the author must also be provided.



Published by



Nisrina Nurul Insani, M.Pd. 

Phone: +62 813-1210-3270

Baeihaqi, S.Pd.

Phone: +62 856-2476-3690

Restu Adi Nugraha, S.Pd

Phone:+62 857-1072-4336

Akhmad Fauzi

Phone: +62 853-1554-8818


Website: http://acec.event.upi.edu

Email: acec@upi.edu
Civic Education Department

Faculty of Social Science Education

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia