Abstract and Proceedings Tamplate

Submission of Abstract and Full Paper
[IMPORTANT] To submit an abstract, use your account managed by UPI Conference to login ACEC. If you haven't an account must create an account first. Then they can submit their abstracts by logging in to their account. The manuscript (full paper) can be submitted only after authors submit their abstract. The whole submission process is done fully online (NOT by email) to guarantee smooth administration. Letter of Acceptance (LoA) and Letter of Invitation (LoI) can be downloaded directly from your account once your abstract is accepted to be presented at the conference.


Abstract Submission Guideline

1. The abstract should be written in English

2. The abstract should consist at least 250 word including

3. The abstract should not include any citation

4. 3-5 keywords should be placed by alphabetically below the abstract

5.The abstract do not use abbrivation

6. Self-description of the author must also be provided.

7. The abstract should consist of:



Result or findings



Full-paper Submission


  1. Full-paper must be written in English and according to paper template.
  2. Full-paper must contains the following structure: Introduction, Theoretical Review, Research Method, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (optional), and References. 
  3. Full-paper/s should be submitted only after the abstracts are accepted.
  4. Full-paper/s must be revised according to reviewer's comments. 
  5. Full-paper first revision must be submitted through the system (author's account) no later than on July 28th, 2021. And the second revision on August 10th, 2021.
  6. Please note that the revision version of your full-paper will be the final version of the paper (including author name/s, etc.) to be submitted to the publisher, unless there are changes made by editor/s to improve the quality of the paper.
  7. The author instructions and full paper template can be downloaded. Paper example also can be downloaded from ACEC’s latest published papers here



The whole submission process is done fully online (NOT by emailto guarantee smooth administration.

Published by



Contact Person
Fakhrul Kurniawan 089623202456
via Email: 


Website: http://acec.event.upi.edu

Email: acec@upi.edu
Civic Education Program Study

Faculty of Social Science Education

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia